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Readit is great for low vision or blind computer user need instant, easy and accurate access to printed or electronic documents.
Readit could be your ideal system if you
Are used to using a standard magnifying system but find the constant movement of text on the screen and the continual repositioning of your documents make you tired, nauseous or just frustrated
Would like to be more independent and read your own documents
Prefer reading documents in a particular type of font
Can read documents more easily if the size of the font or spacing between lines is adjusted
Find that when reading a whole page of text, the characters or words move around and it becomes difficult to follow the document
Find that you can more quickly understand a passage of text if someone reads it out loud to you either at the same time as you are reading it, or separately
Find reading with a video magnifier too difficult because you can’t fit enough characters on the screen to read at your desired speed
Have a deteriorative eye condition and would like a system that is suitable both now and for the future
Need to read or study more than one language
Key Benefits
Users read faster and comprehend more of their document
Ease of use
Acquire and store entire text books (in minutes with Air/Zen)
Incredible accuracy
Licensed for 3 installs per user (Install the Readit software on up to 3 machines with every purchase)
Multi-touch support
Import and Export your documents
Quality of speech
Automatic language switching
Magnification: 0.2x to 120x (depending on screen, potentially over 200x)
Time to read (approximate) This depends on both the computer speed and complexity of document:
Intel Atom (dual core): 15 seconds
Intel Core2Duo: 4 seconds
Intel Core i5: 2 seconds
System Requirements
Although Readit will function on any computer system 3 years old or newer, below is information on the minimum and recommended computer requirements.
Processor: Intel Haswell 4400 or later
Operating System: Windows 10 (or later)
RAM: 4GB Minimum
GRAPHICS: DirectX 11.0 or greater
HDD Space: Minimum 4GB (dependent on voice packs)
Processor: Intel Haswell 4400 or later
Operating System: Windows 10 (or later)
GRAPHICS: DirectX 11.0 or greater
HDD Space: 10 GB (to include document storage)
Part# Readit Software
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