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MALTRON Single finger or Head/Mouth stick keyboards have a unique shape and keyboard layout. The shape matches natural head movement and the ergonomic key arrangement minimises finger or stick activity, raising speed and relieving frustration.
Often described as a head keyboard, mouth keyboard or single-finger keyboard, the shape matches natural head movement and the key arrangement minimises finger or stick activity, raising speed and relieving frustration. Push-On, Push-Off keys are provided for Shift, Control and Alt.
The single finger, head or mouth stick keyboard can be used for conditions that exclude typing with the hands. It can be used on a table as shown, or attached to an articulated monitor arm adjusted to suit the user. It is also fully ergonomic in that the rectangular front is concave to match stick end movement. The letter layout, equally ergonomic, is arranged to have the most used letters grouped in the centre to give minimum movement.
This is a US English keyboard and is available in grey or black.
The keyboard has a USB connector.
MALTRON keyboards all have the ability to turn off key repeating at the keyboard if it is not wanted. If allowed by the software in use, the repeat rate can be set to SLOW, MEDIUM or FAST at the keyboard.
Push-On, Push-Off keys are provided for Shift, Control and Alt.
You can turn off key repeating at the keyboard if it is not wanted. If allowed by the application software you are using, the repeat rate can be set to SLOW, MEDIUM or FAST at the keyboard.
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