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LaZee Mouse™ CURSOR is part of the LaZee Mouse™, family of computer input devices, that provide hands-free computer access for people with a wide range of disabilities. This remarkable product provides full mouse cursor functionality and is engineered to integrate with each user’s unique abilities. This sensational development frees the mouse functionality from the user’s hand and allows the user to decide where best suits their needs.
These extraordinary devices are compatible with all hardware and software products. They are portable and interchangeable between laptops, desktops, MACs, PCs, and Unix systems, and can be used simultaneously with other pointing devices.
Quick & Easy Setup
Easy to Operate
No Software Required
Uses no processor resources
Platform Independent (PC, MAC, Unix)
Compatible with All Hardware & Software
Works in conjunction with all mice, trackballs, touchpads, etc..
Contents of Package
LaZee Mouse™ CURSOR Unit
USB Cable & Extension
Operating Instructions
LaZee Mouse™ Unit:
Size: 1.5” x 4.0” x 5.5”
Weight: 1.5 ounces
Home Input: 3.5mm N.O. Contacts
Operating Temp: 0 - °35C
ESD - Standard ESD Precautions
System Requirements
Electrical: Powered USB Port
Software Compatibility:
WindowsTM XP thru 10 & RT
OSXTM ; 8.0 and above
Android, Unix, Linux & more
Part# LaZeeMouseCURSOR
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